An elongated oval becomes a decorative box with West African style for keepsakes and personal treasures. Carved by hand of seasoned sese wood, it depicts a quiet face in low relief. Joseph Boateng names this design Odopa, which means "good love" in the Twi language of Ghana's Akan people.
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Verified Reviewer
I was so pleased with this box. The size was a great surprise. It looks like a number of the masks I have seen. The artist should consider making a hanging version that opens and has key hooks inside. I would buy definitely buy more of his work. This is unique.
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Excellent quality and workmanship. This box sits on the corner of my dresser near the doorway and is the last thing I see when leaving my room and the first thing when returning. It always makes me smile. Very pleased with this purchase.
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Perfect addition to my home decor Love It
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Another beautiful piece added to my collection. My only complaint is that the leather hook broke. Im thankful the mask didnt break when it fell off the wall. Hopefully the shoemaker repair can replace the leather hook.
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I really like this mask!!! First time I buy from Novica. I will say that my mask does not look exactly like the one in the picture. I think when you are picking a mask you have to ask yourself if you like the overall look of the mask because you will probably get a variation of the pictured mask. Which makes sense since they are hand carved and sometimes more than one of the same mask is made. This does not take away from the craftsmanship. Make no mistake, this is a well made mask. I applaud the artist for his creative effort and I look forward to seeing his future offerings :)
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Again I bought this for my husband, this is great and even nicer in person. Love the color!
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