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Product ID: 455210
Your cherished treasures will now be secured by Armenia's traditional splendor. Artisans from the CeramaZart studio work with ceramic to create this round jewelry box, adorned with the region's classic pattern and bold hues. The piece boasts a glossy finish that enriches its sublime look.
You can find our ceramic jewelry box 'Legacy of Glamour' by CeramaZart in jewelry boxes categories such as Hand Painted Boxes, Geometric Boxes, Traditional Boxes, Folk Art Boxes and Ceramic Boxes. Enjoy exploring these sections for other Novica treasures.
CeramaZart strives to uplift and empower individuals, foster a sense of cultural pride, and promote healing and reconciliation in the community.
"We represent CeramaZart studio, a pioneering initiative born out of the 'GOY' humanitarian foundation's commitment to supporting Diaspora... read more