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Product ID: 448634
Considered Eden's forbidden fruit, the kingdom's symbol of prosperity and Armenia's national icon of passion, pomegranates are a beloved gift from nature for this thriving region. Part of the country's culture, legends and modern arts, this mystic fruit inspires Hayk Mesropyan to create a captivating figurine from linden tree wood with a vibrant red hue that sends a message of love.
You can find our wood figurine 'Passion Icon' (medium) by Hayk Mesropyan in categories such as Traditional Sculpture and Wood Sculpture. Enjoy exploring these sections for other Novica treasures.
While the road has been tough, I believe that through dedication, creativity, and a deep love for our craft, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way.
"I am Hayk Mesropyan, and my journey into the world of woodworking and craftsmanship began in 1991, in the charming city of Vagharshapat... read more