Father Sun Wool Rug


This spring we have been rearranging things on our back porch.  We recently put up a bamboo privacy fence, and I am loving the added visual appeal it brings.  This spot is where I have my coffee most mornings if the weather is nice, and sit many afternoons as well.  My kitty Bella loves this spot too.  Most afternoons you can find her napping on the bench or under the bench.

I’ve been in love with textiles lately.  Rugs, blankets, pillows.  I love blending colors, patterns, textures and styles.  I got this amazing Father Sun rug made by Zosimo Laura from Novica and decided to use it as art instead of just a rug.  I attached to the bamboo wall with some wire, and now it hangs in adornment on our porch.  It creates such a statement, and is a tribute to the summer time we are entering.  When searching for rugs or other textiles (such as shawls), always think outside the box on how you can incorporate into your home decor.





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The last image is from my view sitting on the bench, drinking my coffee in the morning.  I love creating relaxing little nooks inside and outside to relax in and enjoy.  My next area to fix up is in the corner of my backyard where we have our hammock.  Looking forward to sunny days and starry filled nights outside.

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