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Handmade Indonesian Suar Wood Mask from Bali, "Cili"

Product ID: 313011

This handmade suar wood mask direct from Bali artisan Nyoman Subrata is just as beautiful as the goddess it was carved to represent. Cili, which... more


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This handmade suar wood mask direct from Bali artisan Nyoman Subrata is just as beautiful as the goddess it was carved to represent. Cili, which literally means "small and beautiful", is a symbol of beauty and fertility in Indonesia and is meant to represent Sri, the goddess of rice and fertility. This intricate, hand carved mask is made from rich suar wood with unique wood grain.

  • 0.61 kgs
  • 1.3 lbs
  • 24 cm H x 21.5 cm W x 6 cm D
  • 9.5" H x 8.5" W x 2.4" D

  • Suar wood
  • Intended as wall decor
  • Wood grain and color can vary slightly
  • Hand-crafted item -- color, size and/or motif may vary slightly
  • Made in Indonesia
  • Certified and shipped by our office in Indonesiaicon info
  • Product ID: 313011
Subrata Family
Subrata Family

Bali and Java

Masks and wood sculptures

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Verified Reviewer

Aug 01, 2024

Sehnsucht nach der Ferne”

Während meines kürzlichem Urlaub auf Bali habe ich mich in die dort praktizierte Holzschnitzkunst verliebt. Masken haben mich besonders fasziniert. Leider blieb mir nicht genug Zeit, viel Kunstwerke dieser Art dort ausfindig zu machen und nach Hause zu bringen. Somit habe ich gesucht und gefunden. Dieses Meisterwerk sieht grandios aus und hilft dieses Veräumnis zu wett zu machen. Es steht keiner Schnitzerei, die in Ubud direkt verkauft werden im geringsten nach.

Bali Schnitzerei Maske Göttin Reisfeld Ergänzung der Bali Kollektion Wandschmuck

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Karmen Lewis

From Philadelphia, PA, USA

Verified Reviewer

Dec 23, 2021

Beautiful but”

This mask has so much detail and is beautiful! However, it s hard to hang since there is not hook or hold in the back only a very thick wood loop.

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Verified Reviewer

Dec 19, 2021

A Great Work of Art.”

The carving was amazing.

A great addition to my collection

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Verified Reviewer

Jan 22, 2025

Wonderful stars”

I purchased this set and had it gift wrapped. (So beautiful). Im giving my daughter one for her birthday. Plan to mix in with hanging lights.

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Verified Reviewer

Aug 06, 2024

Meisterhaft gefertigter Schutzgeist aus balinesicher Mythologie”

Ich besitze bereits eine Barong Maske, die ich während meines Aufenthalts in Bali in einer kleinen Werkstatt in Kuta erworben habe. Im Gegensatz zu all den Masken in den Souvenirshops ist diese, welche ich im Urlaub gekauft habe, schon ziemlich detailliert. Dennoch kann sie dieser Maske nicht im Ansatz das Wasser reichen. Der Detailgrad ist einfach atemberaubend. Man sieht schon beim ersten Blick wie viel Liebe in diese Schnitzerei gegangen ist. Wirklich meisterhafte Handwerkskunst. Erhlich gesagt werden die Bilder dem eigentlichem Produkt nicht gerecht. Was noch zu erwähnen sei ist, dass das Holz deutlich heller ist als die Fotos vermuten lassen. Vielleicht eine Frage der Beleuchtung. Das ist aber keine Kritik.

Purchased Item Watchful Barong, Hand-Carved Acacia Wood Wall Mask of Barong from Bali

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From Houston

Verified Reviewer

Dec 16, 2023

Grateful heart”

Its an exquisite gift to give to a religious person.Mine was received with joy! The artists message was one that resonated.

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Your Purchase Makes a Difference!

Preserving Traditions

Preserving Traditions

Subrata has been a master carver for many years. He is one of the original Novica artisans and now provides work to other artisans at his carving workshop. He has trained his daughter, Indrawati, in all aspects of his business and she will keep the workshop going when Subrata no longer is able to.

Microcredit Financing

Microcredit Financing

Nyoman Subrata has received 6 microcredit loans with 0% interest from Kiva and Novica, the first for $1300 and the most recent for $2600. Proceeds were used to stock up on the materials he needs, such as various woods.

Job Creator

Job Creator

Subrata employs carvers and finishers at his workshop.

Caring for Children

Caring for Children

This artist supports children under the age of 18.

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