Sculpted of papier mache, a plump little hen wears eagles on her wings. The two-headed eagle symbolizes Werika, worshiped by Huichols as their mother, the one who listens to their prayers and helps them when in need. One of her heads talks to God, while the other watches over the world. Tiny beads cover the voluptuous bird by Higinio Hernandez Carrillo, depicting a star and colorful peyote blossoms.
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Verified Reviewer
A very beautiful mask huichol. I love it.
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Love this artisan s mask. Just such a great collection. I m trying to buy them all.
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Verified Reviewer
What incredible detail! This is so beautiful and the beadwork is PERFECT. Theres not a crooked bead anywhere - the quality and artisanship are phenomenal! I cant find a signature anywhere but he definitely should - it is my first of many to purchase! I have really enjoyed learning about the Huijol people and customs!
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