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Product ID: 328714
Bringing a loving and spiritual vibe into your home, this pinewood sculpture takes the shape of an angel that carries a heart in her arm. Guatemalan artisan Jose Canil Ramos designs this decor accessory, painted by hand in pink with floral motifs.
You can find our wood sculpture 'Loving Angel' by Jose Canil Ramos in holiday decor & ornaments categories such as Hand Painted Christmas Decor. Enjoy exploring these sections for other Novica treasures.
Confronting Adversity
Jose suffers from a rare facial nerve paralysis and is currently treating the condition with physical therapy.
Microcredit Financing
Jose Canil Ramos has received 7 microcredit loans with 0% interest from Kiva and Novica, the first for $250 and the most recent for $2100. Proceeds were used to invest in wood, saws, paints, and sandpaper for production.
Preserving Traditions
Jose is a very talented wood carver. He first learned when he was just ten years old from his father. This art has been passed down for generations and Jose plans to continue the tradition and teach his son how to carve.
Moving On Up
Jose's work helps generate employment opportunities for those in his community. With the sales from NOVICA, he can employ other artisans and help change the lives of his workers.
Job Creator
Jose hires several people in his community which provides them with a stable income for supporting their families.
"Most of the time I work with the idea of something, rather than with its photo, because I feel it hampers my inspiration and then I'm not happy with the final product."
"I was born on May 25, 1981 in Chichicastenango and I learnt my craft from my father. He used to carve masks and saints to sell at the Chichi... read more