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Penetrating eyes gaze from the past in this exquisite decorative plate by Ana María Enciso. Wearing an elaborate headdress and earrings, the face represents a personage from the Lambayeque culture. Located north of Lima, the fertile Lambayeque Valley was the cradle of the Moche and Chimu civilizations. The Andean artisan crafts the plate from copper and bronze.
You can find our copper plate 'Lambayeque' by Ronald Franco in decor accessories categories such as Inca Decorative Bowls and Plates and Copper Decorative Bowls and Plates. Enjoy exploring these sections for other Novica treasures.
What I want to convey with my art is everything that the ancient Peruvian cultures have left for the world. I want everyone to know about the great artisans and creators they were.
Latest Update:"I have been part of the Novica team since 2002, where we share a unique sense of family warmth and camaraderie. Thanks to my art... read more