Two princes, their faces carved in bone, wear ornate crowns that are handcrafted of sterling silver with elegant wire and dot work patterns. Komang Suastra designs and crafts this pair of dangle earrings, accentuating the crowns with faceted blue topaz gems. He names the earrings Celuk Pangeran, "Celuk" referring to the silversmithing village where he works and "pangeran" meaning "prince" in Indonesian.
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Verified Reviewer
This is the second spinner I have bought from NOVICA. It spins smoothly and effortlessly. Other manufacturers spinners seem to be more difficult to spin and sometimes seem to snag on something between the ring and spinner. You can count on quality from this seller.
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Verified Reviewer
These earrings are gorgeous! I wear them all the time. The quality is great and I think they will last a long time. :)
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They are beautiful, lightweight and beautifully detailed.
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