Reaching downward to caress the forehead with its beak, a graceful bird crowns this bearded African mask. Carved by hand, the design arises from the creative imagination of Akoma of West Africa artisans. They name the mask Ajala, a Yoruba word meaning "victory at last."
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I recently purchased the ‘Akoma Geometry scarf- it is exquisitely hand woven by the hands of a true artist. One can tell that so much of who she is was delicately ‘threaded in each stitch. Stunningly beautiful work!
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I would like to thank Akoma of West Africa for this extremely exquiste Afircan mask. It is adds beauty and enhances my African mask collection!
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A nice classic basket
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"The quest to promote unity in the African continent is what led us to come together. We all have different cultural backgrounds and experiences."
"We are Akoma of West Africa. Akoma means 'heart' in the Akan language and is symbolized by a heart in the Adinkra symbols of our rich heritage.... read more