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Ashanti Sankofa Bird Wood sculpture
Ali Ibrahim
Akan Farmer Wood sculpture
Rita Addo Zakour
Senufu Geometry Wood sculpture
Salihu Ibrahim
Senufu Goodnight Dreams Wood sculpture
African Woman Loves Life Wood sculpture
Anna Yawson
Male Dan Harvest Spoon Wood sculpture
Dogon Man on Horseback Wood figurine
Ghana Queen Mother Wood sculpture
Winfred Korley
Green and Yellow Brazilian Mac Wood sculpture
Raul Vinelli
Tree in Winter Wood sculpture
John Barrow
Trumpeting Elephant Wood sculpture
Monkey Mischief Wood sculpture
Jaifah Aksornsri
Floral Flame, Wood sculpture
Thai Elephant Pride, Wood sculpture
Blossoming Elephant, Wood sculpture
Oval Daisy, Wood sculpture
Carry Me!, Wood sculpture
Eric Darko
Dogon Man and Wife, Wood sculpture
African Horse, Wood sculpture
Kwaku Ofosuhene Apenteng
We Are Sisters, Wood sculpture
Joseph Boateng
Deep in Thought, Wood sculpture
Alone, Wood sculpture
Made Wirata
Spirit Dancer, Wood sculpture
Couple in Love, Wood sculpture
Toward the Sky Yoga Tuxedo Cat, Wood sculpture
Nengah Sudarsana
Ginger Tabby Cat Wish, Wood sculpture
Love Makes a Family, Wood sculpture
Luh Mas Sri Pertamiari
Samurai Strategy, Wood sculpture
Family Intimacy, Wood sculpture
Wayan Rendah
Breathing Yoga Cat, Wood sculpture
Indonesian Inspector, Wood sculpture
Made Resi Pastika
Woman from Banjarjuga, Wood sculpture
Offering, Wood sculpture
Waiting, Wood sculpture
Full Lotus Cat, Wood sculpture
Bold Eagle, Wood sculpture
Pande Made Anom
Kiss Me, Wood sculpture
Wayan Mustika
A Heron's Grace, Wood sculpture
Equine Twins, Wood sculpture
Lithe Gymnast, Wood sculpture
Hindu Romance, Wood sculpture
Chander Kant
Peaceful Ganesha, Wood sculpture
Suresh and Devender Garg
Fiery Ganesha, Wood sculpture
Kali Goddess of Destruction, Wood sculpture
Elephant Goes Hunting, Wood sculpture
Fetching Water II, Wood sculpture
Fetching Water III, Wood sculpture
Undercover Officer, Wood sculpture
Black Cat Stretch, Wood sculpture
Gymnastic Arch, Wood sculpture
Vrkasana Yoga Cat, Wood sculpture
Tree Frog Meditates, Wood sculpture
Sleeping Frog, Wood sculpture
Fante Fertility Twins, Wood sculptures (Pair)
Man Named Asuo, African wood sculpture
Prince Amartey
African Pillow Throne, African Wood Sculpture
Lobi Pillow, Handcrafted Wood Sculpture
Lobi Throne, Unique Wood Sculpture
Black Rhino, Handcrafted Wood Sculpture
George Obeng
The Nature of Antelope, Teak Wood sculpture
Bright Kofi Agbetey
Cheerful Goldfish, Wood sculptures (Pair)
Elephant Joy, Handcrafted Wood Sculpture
Young Thai Elephant, Lacquered Wood Figurine
Nantana Sompamitre
Floral Square, Thai Wood Sculpture
Feline Fun, Lacquered wood sculpture
Problems of the World, Abstract Wood Sculpture
Thinking Shadow, Sese Wood Sculpture
Fanti Mask, Handcrafted Wood Sculpture
On Daddy's Back, Abstract Wood Sculpture
Eric Danquah
Dagomba Man, Cultural Wood Sculpture
Dancers in Black, Romantic Wood Sculpture
Reconciliation, Cultural Wood Sculpture
Emmanuel Nyadedzor
Sweetheart, African Wood Sculpture
Hands at Prayer, Indonesian Wood Sculpture
Wayan Dirga
Essential Elephant, Handmade Wood Sculpture
Asana Pose Yoga Frog, Carved Wood Sculpture
Speak No Evil Cat, Suar Wood Sculpture
Kissing, Romantic Wood Sculpture
Linking Hearts, Romantic Wood Sculpture
Eternity of Love, Romantic Wood Sculpture
Froggie Prayer, Handcrafted Wood Sculpture
So in Love, Romantic Wood Sculpture
Heart Bond, Romantic Wood Sculpture
Toward the Sky Yoga Cat, Albesia Wood Sculpture