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Loving Ducks Hand-Carved Duck Wood Sculpture from Bali
Komang Sri
Hatted Ducks Handmade Albesia Wood Duck Statuettes (Set of 3)
Made Lagu
Two Ducks Sese Wood Sculpture of Two Ducks from Ghana
Raphat Asigbey
Feeding Ducks Hand Carved Suar Wood Wall Panel Farmer Traditional Bali
Made Mulyani
Duck Gathering Set of 5 Hand-Carved Wood Duck Sculptures from Thailand
Moo and Aud
Duck, Duck, Goose in White Hand Made Albesia Wood Duck Statuettes (Pair)
Kiss Me More Duck-Themed Suar Wood Relief Panel
Made Wirata
Duck Astronaut Bamboo and Teak Wood Duck Sculpture in a Space Suit
Ira S.
Egyptian Duck Bamboo and Teak Wood Duck Sculpture in White Egyptian Attire
Soldier Duck of Rome Bamboo and Teak Wood Duck Sculpture in Roman Attires
King Duck of Egypt Bamboo and Teak Wood Duck Sculpture in Royal Egyptian Attire
Santa Claus Duck Bamboo and Teak Wood Sculpture with Christmas Duck
Duck of the Dead, Bamboo and Teak Wood Duck Sculpture of Day of the Dead
Viking Duck, Bamboo and Teak Wood Duck Sculpture in Viking Garments
Prince Duck, Bamboo and Teak Wood Duck Sculpture in Royal Garments
Gentlemen's Love, Bamboo Root and Wood Male Duck Wedding Sculptures (Pair)
Susi Susanti
Elf Duck, Bamboo and Teak Wood Sculpture with Elf Duck
Roman Duck, Bamboo and Teak Wood Duck Sculpture in Roman Garments
Pirate Duck, Bamboo and Teak Wood Duck Sculpture in Pirate Garments
Vanilla Duck, Acacia Wood and Bamboo Root Duck Sculpture in Vanilla
Santa's North Pole Team, Set of 3 Bamboo Root and Wood Christmas Accents from Bali
Red Duck, Hand Carved Wood Sculpture of a Red Duck from Indonesia
Made Resi Pastika
Mister Duck in the Alps, Bamboo and Teak Wood Duck Sculpture in Alpine Garments
Mister Duck in Germany, Bamboo and Teak Wood Duck Sculpture in German Garments
Captain Duck, Bamboo and Teak Wood Duck Sculpture in a Captain Suit
Harlequin Duck, Hand Made Wood Bird Sculpture
Nengah Sudarsana
White Smew, Hand-Painted Suar Wood Duck Statuette
Carolina Duck, Handcrafted Suar Wood Duck Sculpture from Java
Blue-Winged Teal, Handmade Javanese Suar Wood Duck Statuette
Chef Duck, Acacia Wood and Bamboo Root Sculpture from Bali
Stomping Duck in Black, Black Acacia Wood and Bamboo Root Duck Sculpture from Bali
Swimming Duck, Acacia Wood and Bamboo Root Swimming Duck Sculpture
Captain Duck in Black, Acacia Wood and Bamboo Root Duck Captain Sculpture from Bali
Weathered Duck, Sese Wood and Aluminum Duck Decorative Box from Ghana
Sailor Duck, Acacia Wood and Bamboo Root Sailor Duck Sculpture from Bali
Skateboard Duck, Acacia Wood and Bamboo Root Skateboarder Duck Sculpture
Family of Ducks, Set of 3 Hand-Carved and Hand-Painted Duck Wood Figurines
Nongluck Cheananta
African Ducks, Ebony figurines (Pair)
Francis Agbete
Beachside Ducks, Bamboo Root and Wood Duck Beach Goer Sculptures (Pair)
A Duck's Domain, Hibiscus Wood Sculpture of a Wild Duck in its Environment
Santa Ducks, Set of 3 Bamboo Root and Wood Santa Duck Decorative Accents
The Duck, Hand Carved Wood Sculpture of a White Duck from Indonesia