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Product ID: 460378
"Such big eyes for a pigeon," say people in the Mexican region whenever they suspect someone is not telling the whole truth. But some lies have a characteristic meaning underneath, just as R. Fabricio's newest wood block print intends to convey through intense hues. After all, Fabricio's ink composition already portrays the pigeon, this time through a pink veil of caprice.
The piece is titled Muy ojona pa paloma in Spanish.
You can find our wood block print 'Such Big Eyes For a Pigeon II' by R. Fabricio in categories such as Folk Art Paintings, Modern and Freestyle Paintings and Print Paintings. Enjoy exploring these sections for other Novica treasures.
"Every single new project is a challenge in and of itself."
"I'm Raul Fabricio Torrez Martinez, but I sign my work as R. Fabricio."I'm a thinking person who values the here and now although I still... read more