"With so many wars and violence in the world, it is important to think more about others, to remember that Lives Matter. I repudiate and mourn the aggressions and disrespect suffered by the Brazilian indigenous people, the Yanomami people," says Telma Morais as she shows her newest composition, made in honour of a new world free of hate. Using acrylic on canvas, the artisan uses a naif style to depict a pair of Brazilian citizens who are part of a long native lineage.
The artwork, titled Vidas Importam in Portuguese, comes signed and stretched.
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A magical painting, which captures serenely the magnificence of nature and reminds us we must protect it. Beautiful and uplifting to look at. Really, I love it. Thank you! Wonderful work and skill. PS I believe in angels too! (& thanks to Novica for enabling me to purchase this item & for great customer service.)
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Its gorgeous colors and evening sky invite the viewer into a childs dream. I love it and will hang it in my the room where my grandchildren sleep when they visit us. And, Yes, I do believe in angels!
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The bride and groom loved it!
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"I believe in Angels. Do you?"
Sculptor, artist and writer, Telma Morais was born in Goiânia, the capital of Goiás. She was always involved with education and culture. While working... read more