Hope Shines Bright for the New Year

In a year filled with uncertainty, heartache, and change, we find reason to celebrate every small moment of joy.

You may not realize the profound ways that you make our lives better. Every email we receive from a satisfied customer delights us beyond words.

Every artisan triumph is celebrated by all. You have amazed us with your acts of kindness. You have floored us with your support. In these gestures, we find renewed hope and a thousand reasons to believe.

Happy holidays from all of us.

Here is what a few of our artisans had to tell us.

Guillermo Arregui  |  Mexico

Guillermo Arregui


“I want to send a heartfelt thank you to each and every Novica customer. Because of you, we could stay afloat and bring home a livelihood. My wish for 2021 is that people be conscious of the importance of every life and that we empathize more with each other.”

Neeru Goel  |  India

Neeru Goel

“I am forever grateful to all my customers for always appreciating my work. You inspire me to work harder and help me rediscover myself and my talent to bring forth new innovations. Your testimonials and positive feedback help me see the hidden art everywhere and infuse themes from nature into my jewelry. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!”


Kathiana Quispe  |  Andes

Kathiana Quispe


“In 2021, I hope to provide you with the best service and designs. I wish for strength and health to continue working in what we love. At the same time, I continue to thank Novica for giving me the opportunity to reach out to customers and that the world appreciated our art, our history and our diverse and fascinating culture.”

Francis Oliveira  |  Brazil

Francis Oliveira

We are facing tough times and it’s been a difficult year for the world. Therefore, for 2021, I hope we are reborn. That next year, we are aware of the meaning of life, that life is much deeper than we have been living it.

I would like to thank my customers from the bottom of my heart. It is very gratifying when you wear my jewelry. You let me move ahead. My work is seen and reaches places where I alone could never reach.


Nengah Sudarsana  |  Bali

Nengah Sudarsana

“My wish for 2021 is that we can all feel joy and happiness in the company of family and friends. I would like to say thank you for your support in buying my sculptures. Some bought them for your own collections, and others to give as gifts.

Thank you for still believing in my work and the quality of my carvings. I hope I can always present you with beautiful designs.”


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